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CatalogL`UkraineLes journaux → La liberte
Title: Freedom 1955 No. 049
Editing: 1955 No. 049
List: 4
Byte: 4813803
Note: "Freedom" - the Ukrainian-language newspaper, oldest in the world, leaves continuously (since 1893). The first Ukrainian newspaper in the USA, one of the oldest Ukrainian newspapers in diaspora. Official body of the Ukrainian National Union. At first dvotizhnevik, with 1894 - the weekly, with 1915 - three times a week, with 1921 - the diary in the USA; the initiator of creation of Russian, subsequently the Ukrainian National Union, at first informal and about its 1908 official body. From September 15, 1893 to June, 1895 left in Jersey City, after Shamokivi, Maunt-Karmela, Olifant, Skrentona, with 1903 in New York, and with 1911 again in Jersey City. Islands of G. Grushk (to 1895), the lake N. Dmitriyev and lake I. Konstankevich (to 1897), the lake S. Makar (to 1900), the lake I. Ardant (to 1907), Anton Tsurkovsky (to 1909 and 1911), Iosif Stetkevich (1910 and 1912-19), V. Lototsky (to 1926), Yemelyan Revyyuk (to 1933), L. Mishuga (to 1955), A. Dragan were the Freedoms editors. From 1920th years the coeditor of "Freedom" were among other.: V. Kedrovsky, E. Lyakhovich, S. Demidchuk, since the 1950th years Ivan Korovitsky, Luka Lutsiv, I. Kedrin-Rudnitsky, V. Davidenko, Bogdan Kravtsov, Mikhail Sosnovsky. In "Freedom" of a spipratsyuvala the Ukrainian figures, writers and journalists, between them I. Franko, M. Pavlik, V. Gnatyuk, M. Lozinsky, Bogdan Lepky, V. Budzinovsky, Anatole Kurdidik and others.
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