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File: 146015. Volume: 1316 GByte

CatalogLes livres, les revues, les dictionnaires, les chansons → Brokgaouz et Efron
Title: Encyclopedic dictionary. Volume. XVII a
Ledye - Loparev
Author: F. A. Brokgauz, I. A. Efron
Editing: 1896
List: 226
Byte: 36174512
Note: The largest pre-revolutionary Russian universal encyclopedia published by joint-stock publishing company . Consists of 86 volumes (82 main and 4 additional) leaving during 1890-1907. The first 8 volumes (to a letter ) left under the general edition of professor I. E. Andreevsky and generally contained the translations into Russian of articles of the well-known German encyclopedia of Brockhaus .
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